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HM Trader (Ngolah Pikir Berbagi Informasi)

Radar & Signal Fundament : 24 - 30 April 2016 [ all pair ]

Beberapa news rilis 'High Impact'  dalam sepekan ini yg akan membuat 'volatil yang lumayan' pada pair yg bersangkutan sehingga lebih garang gerakannya.

Sobat bisa persiapkan sebelumnya semua msl: kondisi jiwa (emosi, psikologis, margin & risk (MM), 'strategi yg cocok utk menghadapi kemungkinan yg terjadi... Serta memanfaatkan peluang2 yang jika terjadi market price extreme..

Fundamental yang perlu di waspadai dalam sepekan ini :

:: Senin - 25 April 2016
• 4:00am     EUR German Ifo Business Climate

:: Kamis - 28 April 2016
2:00pm       USD FOMC Statements 
• Tentative JPY Monetary Policy Statements

Berikut acara berita ekonomi lainnya juga mungkin menarik bagi Anda selama kegiatan perdagangan dalam sepekan ini :

(zona waktu market WallStreet tentukan selisih waktu jika kita menggunakan ' WIB.) 
saat artikel ini rilis...!

Sunday, April 24, 2016
• ----------?

Monday, April 25, 2016
• 4:00am     EUR German Ifo Business Climate
Statistics German Ifo Business will release the quarterly CPI figure (average price of goods and services purchased by consumers)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
• 8:30am     USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m
Orders for aircraft are volatile and can severely distort the underlying trend. The Core data is therefore thought to be a better gauge of purchase order trends;.
• 8:55am     CAD BOC Gov Poloz Speaks
As head of the central bank, which controls short term interest rates, he has more influence over the nation's currency value than any other person. Traders scrutinize his public engagements as they are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy; .
• 10:00am USD CB Consumer Confidence
Survey of about 5,000 households which asks respondents to rate the relative level of current and future economic conditions including labor availability, business conditions, and overall economic situation;.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
• 9:30pm     AUD CPI q/q
The Office for National Statistics will release the monthly figure for change in price business and government pay for labour (includes bonuses). The monthly change in amount of people who claimed unemployment benefits is also released at this time.
• 4:30am     GBP Prelim GDP q/q
The Office for National Statistics will release the monthly figure for change in price business and government pay for labour (includes bonuses). The monthly change in amount of people who claimed unemployment benefits is also released at this time.
• 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventorie
The Office for National Statistics will release the monthly figure for change in price business and government pay for labour (includes bonuses). The monthly change in amount of people who claimed unemployment benefits is also released at this time.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
• 2:00pm       USD FOMC Statements
It's the primary tool the FOMC uses to communicate with investors about monetary policy. It contains the outcome of their vote on interest rates and other policy measures, along with commentary about the economic conditions that influenced their votes. Most importantly, it discusses the economic outlook and offers clues on the outcome of future votes.
• 5:00pm    NZD Official Cash Rates
The rate decision is usually priced into the market, so it tends to be overshadowed by the RBNZ Rate Statement, which is focused on the future.
• Tentative JPY Monetary Policy Statements
Source does not give an exact release time - the event will be listed as 'Tentative' until the statement is issued. Source first released in Jul 2008. Source changed release frequency from about 14 times per year to eight times per year as of Jan 2016.
• 1:00am       JPY BOJ Outlook Reports
It's among the primary tools the BOJ uses to communicate with investors about monetary policy. It contains the outcome of their decision on asset purchases and commentary about the economic conditions that influenced their decision. Most importantly, it projects the economic outlook and offers clues on the outcome of future votes).
• Tentative JPY BOJ Press Conferences
(It's among the primary methods the BOJ uses to communicate with investors regarding monetary policy. It covers the factors that affected the most recent interest rate decision, the overall economic outlook, inflation, and clues regarding future monetary policy).
• 8:30am       USD Advance GDP q/q
While this is q/q data, it's reported in an annualized format (quarterly change x4). There are 3 versions of GDP released a month apart – Advance, Preliminary, and Final. The Advance release is the earliest and thus tends to have the most impact.

Friday, April 29, 2016
• 4:00am     CHF SNB Chairman Jordan Speaks
As head of the central bank, which controls short term interest rates, he has more influence over the nation's currency value than any other person. Traders scrutinize his public engagements as they are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy.
• 5:00am     EUR CPI Flash Estimate y/y
Statistics Consumer prices account for a majority of overall inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate.
• 8:30am     CAD GDP m/m
Canada is unique in that they release fresh GDP data on a monthly basis. A quarterly GDP figure is also released, however it's merely a summation of the monthly data.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
• 9:00pm     CNY Manufacturing PMIs
It's a leading indicator of economic health - businesses react quickly to market conditions, and their purchasing managers hold perhaps the most current and relevant insight into the company's view of the economywaiting prosessing update... data' reviews!

Kami berharap Sobat memiliki sukses perdagangan pekan ini..

Untuk lebih detail nya sobat bisa lihat disini : -CALENDAR_DETEKTOR atau jangan lupa ikuti update terbarunya: MEDIA DETECTOR - serta Sentiment DETECTOR

:: Note BonusTambahan :: 
Sedikit coretan tambahan dr analisa simbah 'KlenikelS': minggu lalu = 1.1400 - benar2 jadi angka maut! EURUSD...
dan EURUSD tidak berhasil bertahan bertahan diatas : angka keramat = 1.1313.
Terjerembab dibawah 1.1300 dan terkunci diharga 1.1283 ( klose market). Minggu kemarin justru terperosok lagi lebih dalam = 1.1222... (he..he..he..)

Kesangaran EURUSD bulan Maret lalu sempat menembus 1.1313 dan bahkan juga menerobos 1.1400 dan sampai di angka 1.1441 ( hm si bhayan ) sepertinya ini bisa menjadi 1 spirit -pak lik dragi untuk mencoba lagi dan sebisanya menerobos lakonnya kembali untuk bisa bertahan diatas zona 1.1313 > =1.1400 / 1.1441
Kira2 bisa nggak ya??
Pertanyaan diatas : bisa menjadi sarana psikologis utk ancang2 amunisi 'SELL Action!.

Karena :
a.) EURUSD secara umum masih bergerak di bawah tekanan ( alias Seller masih dominan ).
Namun kita perlu cermati & Waspadai aksi profit taking 'kwartal I' selama Maret kemaren. Benar2 hari utk EURUSD.
Sekarang kita masuk bulan ke-4  minggu 4 th 2016.
Bisa jadi EURUSD akan sedikit bonci UP lageee....? walo terbatas! 
Ambil kesempatan untuk action SELL cari harga2 tertinggi ' jika turun larinya kuenceng sekali ' OK

Pesan Eyang : ( jangan jd korban ' BUY' di pucuk yoo.. )

dalam minggu ini utk EURUSD jika mampu menjebol & bertahan diatas harga= 1.1313 masih ada peluang menuju si angka maut-1 (1.1400) lagi. Dan jika mampu break diatas zona ini kemungkinan bisa menuju  angka maut-2 HM&Klenikels ke = 1.1441  

dgn catatan : jika - ini EURUSD masih mau dan mampu bertahan range diatas zona harga = 1.1313 dan atau terutama = 1.1111

OK 'Radar- analisa lainnya??
Stanby aja sobat disini...
{ analisa_fundament by : }
{ analisa_klenikels by : }

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